Cultural Identity Test (CIT)

This survey is a pilot study of a newly-conceptualised questionnaire. It merges two former approaches. The first is the Investigation of Comparative Judgement regarding Job and Living Preferences, and the second is the Family Identification Test, at tool used in family diagnostics. Whereas the first measures preferences of groups, the second measures identifications of individuals. Merging these two, the CIT aims at finding both preferences of groups and individual identifications. However, perspective is not taken on family members, as in the second approach mentioned, but on cultures.

You are welcome to further elaborate this survey by filling the questionnaire (please make sure that it is filled completely, as otherwise, the computerised evaluation would not work) and sending it as a scanned PDF document to <>.

The questionnaire is available in the following languages
(please click on the link for opening/downloading/printing):
English version
Version française
Versión española
Versão em português
Русский вариант

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