What is the purpose of research? Accumulating data in the Ivory Tower and keeping them there? – Certainly not. Only the sharing of results with other researchers can yield synergy, especially, when it transcends disciplinary boundaries. At the same time, one usually receives most valuable impulses at conferences. Also, presenting one’s results allows their utilisation in the Real World out there. This is why S.A.C.S. participates in a wide spectrum of conferences.
Selected Presentations
Misguided conservation: examples from the fields and alternatives. Anthropology and Conservation (virtual conference), the Royal Anthropological Institute (London), 25-29 Oct. 2021
The Rescue of Indigenous Culture. International Conference on Language, Literature and Culture (ICLLC 2K21, online), Trinity College for Women (Arts and Science), Namakkal, Tamil Nadu, India, 23-25 July 2021
The impact of mobile phones – a cross-cultural study. DAAD Online Conference “Higher Education, Common Values, Competencies and Sustainable Development”, 30 Oct. 2020
Cultural diversity and the inclusion of indigenous rights into the planning processes of social protection. e-Conference “Turning the COVID-19 crisis into an opportunity: What’s next for social protection?”, 5-8 Oct. 2020
Indigenität und Naturismus. DNZ Foundation, Thielle/Bern, Switzerland, 19 Aug. 2020
Indigenous Women’s Empowerment in Field Encounter. Tenth Multidisciplinary Meeting on Indigenous Peoples (EMPI X). Girona, 30./31 May 2019
Indigenous Trauma: Ethical Implications. III Seminário de Violência, Gênero e Populações Vulneráveis, UCDB, Campo Grande, MS, Brasilien, 13 Sept. 2018
The Tourinfo project. 12th Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies, Penang, 23-27 July 2018
Cross-Cultural Olfactory Study (poster). International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Vienna, 23-25 March 2017, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.10642.86720
An Instrument to Combat Inequalities: The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. 7th Multidisciplinary Meeting on Indigenous Peoples (EMPI VII), Milan, 12-13 May 2016
The role of women in indigenous contexts. 7th Multidisciplinary Meeting on Indigenous Peoples (EMPI VII), Milan, 12-13 May 2016
The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: Struggles and Chances. 11th Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies, Vienna, 7-11 Sept. 2015
Cultural Interaction of Women in Field Encounters. 11th Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies, Vienna, 7-11 Sept. 2015
Culturally Specific Time Management (poster). International Convention of Psychological Science ‑ICPS‑, Amsterdam, 12-14 March 2015
Non-Verbal Aspects of Cross-Cultural Fieldwork. International Convention of Psychological Science ‑ICPS‑, Amsterdam, 12-14 March 2015
Arts and Cultural Sustainability. Guest Lecture, National University of Rwanda, Butare, 29 Nov. 2013
Kulturverträgliches Arbeiten in indigenen Kontexten. “undjetzt?!“-RückkehrerInnen-Konferenz, Tonndorf, 29 Aug. – 5 Sept. 2013
Cultural Factors of Icon Recognition. 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2013), poster presentation, Stockholm, 9-12 July 2013
Embodied Countertransference in Cross-Cultural Field Research. 13th European Congress of Psychology (ECP 2013), Stockholm, 9-12 July 2013
Ethical Aspects of Transcultural Field Research. Invited Lecture, 44th Congress of Polish Psychiatrists. Lublin, 27-29 June 2013
Culture as a Stabilising Factor for Trauma Victims. 2013 Resilience Conference, Tel Hai, Israel, 6/7 Jan. 2013
Field Research Validity: Legal and Ethical Considerations. 7th World Congress of African Linguistics, University of Buea, Cameroon, 20–24 Aug. 2012
Language Choice in African Mobile Telephony (poster) . 7th World Congress of African Linguistics, University of Buea, Cameroon, 20–24 Aug. 2012
Highly Precise Colour Naming in African Languages (poster) . 7th World Congress of African Linguistics, University of Buea, Cameroon, 20–24 Aug. 2012
Tabuzonen des Körpers im Kulturwandel. TU Berlin, Gastvortrag im Themenblock Körpersprache und Tabu, 13. 12. 2011
Culturally Sustainable Policies for Tourism in Indigenous Areas. Hawassa University, Guest Lecture, 22. 11. 2011
The Need for Culturally Sustainable Polcies. Addis Ababa University, Guest Lecture, 21. 11. 2011
Limitations of Empirical Field Studies. 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, poster presentation, 4-8 July 2011
Paired Comparisons as a Method for Assessing Lifestyle Preferences in Different Cultures. 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, 4-8 July 2011
Limitations of Empirical Field Studies. 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Ethics Track, 4-8 July 2011
Warum Forscher Düfte in den Regenwald bringen. 3. Sommernachtssalon der Langen Nacht der Wissenschaften, TU Berlin, 28. 5. 2011
Psychologische Zugänge zur Kultur. 15. BV-BDP-Kongress, Bonn, 29. 4. – 1. 5. 2011
Cultural Identity and the Body . „Bodies“, 8th Annual Conference in Citizenship Studies, Center for the Study of Citizenship, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI (USA), 31 March – 2 April 2011
New Parameters for Field Research Techniques. 6th African Conference on Psychotherapy, Kampala, Uganda, 14.-16. 12. 2010
A Tool for Assessing Globalisation Affinity. 6th African Conference on Psychotherapy, Kampala, Uganda, 14.-16. 12. 2010
Strategies of Maintaining Culture: Implications for Sustainable Policies. Institute of Psychology, Department of Organisational and Social Psychology, Makarere University, Kampala, Uganda, 13. 12. 2010
Kulturspezifische Farbkonzepte. INST-Konferenz “Cities, Cultures, Knowledge Societies“, Wien, 24.-26. 11. 2010
Highly effective fog-water collection with Pinus canariensis
(Poster &
Ppt.-Intro). 5th International Conference on Fog, Fog Collection and Dew, 25-30 7. 2010, Münster
Culture, Globalisation and International Relations. International Symposium on Cultural Diplomacy, Berlin, 23.-30. 5. 2010 (invited presentation) Strategies of counteracting cultural destabilisation University of Buea, Cameroon, Faculty of Social Sciences, 19. 4. 2010 (invited lecture) A General Model of Language and Cultural Change, Université de Yaoundé 1, Cameroun, Faculté des Arts, Lettres et Sciences Humaines, 12. 4. 2010 (invited lecture) Legal aspects of field research: Implications of the UN Indigenous Rights Declaration and perspectives of Social Psychology. India Habitat Centre / School of Social Sciences (Jawaharlal Nehru University), New Delhi, 14. 12. 2009 Directions of action: Indigenous decision-making in a globalising world. 8th Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology, New Delhi, 11.-14. 12. 2009 Translating the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples into Action. Workshop, Education Centre at B.R.Hills, India, 9. 12. 2009 Globalisation, Indigenous Knowledge and Semiotics. International School of Information Management, University of Mysore & Centre for Advanced Research on Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Mysore, India, 8. 12. 2009 Kulturspezifizität von Farbbegriffen. Berliner Arbeitskreis für Kultursemiotik (BAKS), 11. 2. 2009 Indigenous Rights and Field Research – Info-Lecture. XIXth International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Bremen, 27.-31. 7. 2008 The Use of Mobile Phones and its Effect on Indigenous Social Structures. XIXth International Congress of the International Association for Cross-Cultural Psychology, Bremen, 27.-31. 7. 2008 Investigation of Comparative Judgement regarding Job and Living Preferences . Poster-Presentation,
XXIXth International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, 20.-25. 7. 2008 Culture and Colour Concepts . XXIXth International Congress of Psychology, Berlin, 20.-25. 7. 2008 Culture, Trauma and Psychotherapy. Invited Opening Keynote Lecture, 5th African Conference on Psychotherapy, University of Limpopo, South Africa, 18.-20. 6. 2008 Kulturverträglicher Tourismus in Indigenengebieten. GATE – Netzwerk, Tourismus, Kultur, Berlin, 7. 4. 2008 Kulturspezifische Zeitstrukturen. INST-Konferenz ”Knowledge, Creativity and Transformations of Societies”, Wien, 7.-9. 12. 2007 Fauxpas mit Folgen. 15. Symposium zum interkulturellen Kommunikationsmanagement, Berlin, 2. 2. 2007 Culturally Sustainable Tourism. Workshop. Salud y Diversidad Cultural en el Mundo, Havanna, 20.-23. 11. 2006 Globalisation: A Threat to Cultural Diversity. Plenary lecture. Salud y Diversidad Cultural en el Mundo, Havanna, 20.-23. 11. 2006 Kultursensible Begutachtung. GWG-Tagung „Sachverständiges Vorgehen im Familienrecht“, München, 10.-12. 11. 2006 Das Motiv der Bewegung in Gedichten Itzik Mangers. INST-Konferenz “Innovations and Reproductions in Cultures and Societies“, Wien, 9.-11. 12. 2005 Interkulturelle Aspekte familienpsychologischer Begutachtung. Aktuelle juristische und psychologische Trends im familienpsychologischen Begutachtungsprozess, Fachtagung der GWG Berlin, 16. 6. 2005 Hemisphärische Determinanten der Schriftgenese. Psychologisches Kolloquium der Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, 24. 11. 2004 Minimal invasive Feldforschung. Psychologisches Colloquium der Freien Universität, Berlin, 27. 4. 2004 The Psychology of Cultural Change and Globalisation. University of Ibadan (Nigeria), 8. 3. 2004 Conferences organised / co-organised 11th Session of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Side Event: Book launch, „Research Methods in Indigenous Contexts“. Geneva, 9.-13. 7. 2018 Derechos indígenas, la vida indígena en el mundo y turismo cultural sostenible. Taller de empoderamiento indígena, Emberá puru, Chagres, Panamá, 19. 2. 2018; Puerto Lara, Darién, Panamá, 20. 2. 2018; Peña Bijagual, Darién, Panamá, 22. 2. 2018; El Tirao, Darién, Panamá, 23. 2. 2018; Ellapuru Emberá, Chagres, Panamá, 24. 2. 2018 Culturally sustainable tourism. Workshop for indigenous capacity building, (1) Nam Huay Khua; (2) Done Xay, Laos, 19. 3. 2017 Turismo cultural sostenible. Taller de empoderamiento indígena, Iquitos, Loreto, Perú, 3. 10. 2015; Nueva Vida, Loreto, Perú, 6. 10. 2015; San Andrés, Loreto, Perú, 7. 10. 2015; Aldea Cocama, Loreto, Perú, 8. 10. 2015; CONAP, Lima, Perú, 9. 10. 2015 International Convention of Psychological Science -ICPS-, Cultural Psychology: Symposium ”Perspectives on Power, Conflict and Psychological Well-Being”. Amsterdam, 12.-14. 3. 2015 Turismo cultural sostenible. Taller de empoderamiento indígena, Emberá puru, Chagres, Panamá, 20. 2. 2015; Peña Bijagual, Darién, Panamá, 24. 2. 2015; Puerto Lara, Darién, Panamá, 25. 2. 2015; El Tirao, Darién, Panamá, 26. 2. 2015; Ellapuru Emberá, Chagres, Panamá, 1. 3. 2015 Culturally Sustainable Tourism. NGO Edirisa, Kabale, Uganda, 25 Nov. 2013 Tourisme minimal invasif. Formation, Ministère du Tourisme, Office Départemental, Kribi, Cameroun, 27. 8. 2012 6th African Conference on Psychotherapy, Kampala, Uganda, 14.-16. 12. 2010 (international organising commitee) Culturally Sustainable Tourism. Ugandan Wildlife Authority at Ntandi, Semliki National Park, Uganda, 12. 12. 2010 INST Conference ”Cities, Cultures, Knowledge Societies”: Section „Kulturfarben – Farbkulturen“ / “Colours and Culture “ / « Couleurs des cultures – cultures des couleurs ». Vienna, 26.-28. 11. 2010 Tourisme minimal invasif. Formation, Ministère du Tourisme, Office Départemental, Kribi, Cameroun, 14.-15. 4. 2010 8th Conference of the Asian Association of Social Psychology: „Self, Indigenous Identity and Globalisation: An Action Theoretical Perspective“ (co-organised). New Delhi, 11.-14. 12. 2009 The Second Session of the United Nations Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Side Event „Indigenous Research Perspectives“. Geneva, 10.-14. 8. 2009 INST Conference ”Knowledge, Creativity and Transformations of Societies”: Section „Zeit, Verlauf und Bestimmung“ / “Time, Process, Determination“. Vienna, 7.-9. 12. 2007 XXIXth International Congress of Psychology: Session „Indigenous and Ethnopsychology“, Berlin, 20.-25. 7. 2008 INST Conference “Innovations and Reproductions in Cultures and Societies“: Section „Reisen und Ortswechsel: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven“ / “Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Travelling and Changing Places”. Vienna, 9.-11. 12. 2005 Aktuelle Trends der familienpsychologischen Begutachtung. GWG-Tagung, Berlin, 16. 6. 2005 ~~~